

Orongorongo Walking Track to Huarangi Hut and Catchpool Loop Walk
Orongorongo Walking Track可接續Mt Matthews Track 這個地區因Mt Matthews (949m)聞名  Mt Matthews是地區最高的山峰
原計劃到south saddle(在Mt Matthews Track上) 水流實在太大 並且烏雲一片 既使到達高點也沒有view可觀賞

Orongorongo Walking Track

One of New Zealand’s most popular walks, leading to the Orongorongo River through different forest types

gentle gradient

elegant track

Moist valley forest
Perching and climbing plants
most time the track along the Turere Stream
crossing several swing bridges


giant rata


Orongorongo River

an arched bridge in the short distance
an arched bridge over the Turere Stream to the Orongorongo River

then walking along Big Bend Track to Turere Lodge and Haurangi Hut
Jans Hut
Turere Lodge
good view from the lodge
crossing over narrow swing bridge

the track becoming uneven and wild
water flowing over the track

track scenes

Haurangi Hut
crossing a narrow bridge

arriving at the intersection of Whakanui Track. crossing over the river to connect  the Mt Matthews Track
too strong water flow...
Catchpool Loop Walk
an elegant forest track

Dan Hill - Sometimes When We Touch


t130_Red Rock

Red Rocks Walkway to Red Rocks and Sinclair Head

Island Bay - en-route to Red Rocks Walkway
lovely ocean views at the Island Bay 尤其在清晨有晨霧稱托 恍若仙境 是攝影者最愛

Red Rocks Walkway
Red Rocks and Sinclair Head are two major spots. Red Rocks and its surrounding reserve are of national significance, rich with fascinating geology and Māori history. Sinclair Head is a haul-out site for male New Zealand fur seals and a popular tourist attraction.
有迷人海岸景觀 尤其是在Sinclair Head  更有海豹蹤影 Red Rocks 紅褐色岩石聞名


a bronze sculpture of a shark at the entrance of walkway

walking along the beach of Owhiro Bay

fascinating shore scenes

looking back

walking beside the high hills

impressed red rocks  - 200 million year old lava formed by undersea volcanic eruptions, the iron oxides giving the rocks their colour

lots of fascinating shore scenes on the way to Sinclair Head

a pointed rock (upper right on the photo) in the distance on the coast – the seal colony. 
Up to 150 seals come to rest and feed in winter, between May and August. We could see a few when we was there.

Devil’s Gate – passing the gate then arriving at the Sinclair Head

lots of fascinating shore scenes at the Sinclair Head


Elizabethan Serenade (伊麗莎白小夜曲)