

Hihikiwi Track
Hihikiwi Track是一值得推薦的步道 沿途有不錯的森林景觀 很好的視野 以及很有特色的boardwalk 尤其Hut是到Cone的一段 有極濃密的苔蘚 更是驚艷 但爛泥連連 (因前兩天下大雨 沿途佈滿泥淖 處處陷阱 因此費時近8.5 Hours 比以前的記錄7 Hours 多出近1.5 hours) 使這條步道大打折扣 So a good weather is the must to enjoy its beauty!

all walk to The Cone (953m) and a few also walk to the Pirongia Summit (959m) 

the first section of track climbs steeply via a series of steps

a stedy climb at the beginning

forest is dense and primitive
the ferns growing up to the tree trunk

many serious muddy sections

(photo from Jane and Eric)
非常多處爛泥 不小心還會深陷到腳踝 行走不易

need to negotiate over sprawling tree roots and boulders

abundance of ferns, mosses and lichens covered plants
高度越高 苔蘚越濃密

wonderful elevated boardwalk

Hihikiwi Lookout (900m)
挑高的boardwalk(elevated boardwalk)想相當長
 Hikikiwi Lookout到Pahautea Hut長達千米

good view from the lookout

boardwalk 景觀迷人


boardwalk沿著多處很大坡度的山谷建造 非常獨特

Pahautea Hut (800 m) - a new hut and can sleep up to 40 people

lunch time

walking to The Cone

這一段步道有極濃密的苔蘚 更是驚艷

The Cone, our destination, in the front

The Cone (953m)

great view from The Cone

group photo

(photo from Jane and Eric)
group photo