
List (Activity)

< a07> Shelly Park Beach and Mangemangeroa Reserve Walkway (27/09/2012)

< a06> Rotary Walkway - Jason and Susan family (12/08/2012)

< a05> Makey, Jamie and Simon Totara Park 蟬殼之旅 (11/03/2012)

< a04> 台福家庭營 - 劉三講座

< a03> 東區&北岸台福教會聯合家庭營會

< a02> Makey and Jamie at North Head (Noreshore)

< a01> Jamie at Onepoto Domain and Little Shoval Bay (Noreshore)


List (Tramping)

We (James and Kelly) had a 4 days walking in Whakapapa  (13/01 - 16/01/2017). (From < t223> to < t226>)
Taranaki Falls Loop with Wairere Stream Exploring
Taranaki Falls Loop是 Whakapapa區(有北島最著名滑雪場)很熱門的步道 我們更探索 Wairere Stream 有眾多湍流及無數迷人瀑布

Hapuawhenua Viaduct Walk
這是一次歷史遺蹟的探索 最主要是造訪有優美弧狀並獲世界工程遺產的Hapuawhenua高架橋 途中有許多解說牌 步道平緩 並經過優美的Punga森林

Waitonga Falls Track
是一短但精采的步道 除了吸引人的Waitonga Falls 並橫跨高山溼地的boardwalk 尤其高山小湖泊稱托其間更是迷人

Urchin Trig
是一條優美的步道 景觀多變 有大樹密林苔蘚 宏偉視野

Lake Rotopounamu
這是一處美麗的山中小湖 6公里的沿湖步道都有樹林覆蓋 相當優美 看到不同植物 聽到不同鳥鳴 還有湖景 蘆葦
Matuku Reserve (3/12/2016)
是一重要的鳥保護區 步道景觀多變 有濕地 濃密森林 極高岩壁 飛瀑 值得一訪
We (James and Kelly) had a 3 days walking in Turangi  (5/11 - 7/11/2016). Also including James oneself 5 days walking (5/10 - 20/10/2016) (From < t216> to < t221>)

Hamilton Garden
40年前Hamilton Garden只是一處荒涼的垃圾場 靶場 現今卻已發展成傲人的極美庭園 並不是一個植物園 而是具有完整文化內涵的極品庭園 並於2014年獲國際獎項(International Garden Tourism Award)

Tree Trunk Gorge Track and Tongariro National Trout Centre

Huka Falls lookout walk, Aratiatia Rapids lookout walk, and Tokaanu Thermal Walk

Waihaha Hut and Waihora Lagoon Walk

Mangaehuehu Hut & Waitonga Falls, Rimu & Mangawhero Forest

Tukino Access Road to Whangaehu River
<t215> (9/07/2016) 
Waiheke Island Walkway 

<t214> (3/07/2016) 
Fairy Falls Loop Track

<t213> (5/06/2016) 
Karamatura Track and Tom Thumb Track
有茂密森林 森林景觀 大樹 以及不錯視野 最驚艷的是有一棵非常巨大的Kauri樹

We (James and Kelly) had a 3 days walking in Rotorua,  including some spots going to and returning from Rotorua (13/02 - 15/04/2016). Also including James oneself 5 days walking (5/03 - 9/03/2016) (From < t208> to < t211>)

Okataina Rata,  Lake Okareka Walkway and Tarawera Trail (part)

Blue Lake Circuit, Redwood Track and Jubilee Track

Te Waihou (Blue Spring) Walkway 紐西蘭九寨溝

Ananui Falls Track (part), Mclaren Falls Park and Henderson Tramline

Te Aroha Loop Track
We had a 3 days trip in Kerikeri (2/02 - 4/02/2016).
(From <t204> to <t207>)

Mahinepua Penisula track, Manginangina Kauri Walk and Puketi nature trail

Koutu boulders

Kerikeri River Track

Hururu Falks Track

<t203> (30/01/2016)
Karamatura and Fkecter Track 

<t202> (23/01/2016) 
Whatipu Five Hills Track 
Waitakere 區的珍藏步道 有迷人的海岸景觀和優美森林步道

台灣行程 (26/10 - 27/11/2015)
這次台灣之行  除了日本5天(實際只有4天 因第一天到達已是晚餐時間)  辦了該辦的事 和親朋好友碰面  利用空暇時間造訪台北近郊一些風景區

馬籠宿  高山祭之森 高山老街

加賀的文化「湯之國之森」  惠那峽




其他 (包括同事朋友聚餐)




Goldie Bush (17/10/2015)

Botanic Garden 青菘團契 (01/10/2015)

Wairere Falls in Matamata (30/09/2015)

Hobbit Movie Set in Matamata (29/09/2015)

<t189 > 
Te Atatu Peninsula Walkway (25/07/2015)
We (James and Kelly) had a 12 days trip in Te Anau, South Island (22/02 - 5/03/2015). (From < t183> to < t189>)
這次的行程有兩處艱難 1.Hump Ridge Track有三天行程 住兩晚Hut(兩人一房 因此價高 紐元550) 每天19-20km 尤其第一天要爬升1000公尺 2.Routeburn Track有兩天行程 住一晚Hut(通鋪) 每天14-15km 
 我們這次旅程 若有神助 行走Hump Ridge Track 我們的目標是Okaka Hut (9 Hrs) 由於Vistor Centre的誤導 走入岔路 當天走了7小時(incl lunch 0.5hr) Kelly已經相當疲憊 James也很吃力 真的很難想像 若沒有走錯 背重19-20km爬升1000公尺 將會是大麻煩 神已經保守我們的行程 讓不可能走錯的路竟然走錯 不讓我們走這麼艱難的行程 避開劫難 最讓我們欣慰的是NZ$550全數退回 使這次旅程沒有缺憾
Routeburn Track兩天一夜行程 也要背重 睡袋食物鍋具 神痛惜我們 James的1公斤重照相機前一天故障了 因此Routeburn Track走得還算輕鬆
<t188 > 
Lake Marian Track and Te Anau - Milford Highway Scenic spots

<t187 > 
Routeburn Trak (up to Lake Mackenzie Hut) and Key Summit

<t186 > 
Kepler Track (up to Luxmoore Hut)

<t185 > 
Eldrig Peak Route

<t184 >
Mt Burns Track, Lake Monowai Peninsula Lookout Track, and Borland Nature Walk

<t183 > 
Hump Ridge Track (walk to Blue Cliffs only), Lake Hauroko Lookout Track, Big Tōtara Walk, and Historic Clifden Suspension Bridge
<t182 >
Hunua Falls Track (6/02/2015)
Hunua Falls Track is a popular walking track in Auckland. Walking with Bill and Susan families and their friends.

Hihikiwi Track (17/01/2015)
The newest and one of the shortest tracks to Pahautea Hut. Regardless many muddy sections, It is a great track, forest with abundance of ferns, mosses and lichens, fantastic views from Hihikiwi Lookout, and wonderful elevated boardwalk and steps near the hut. Of course, a good weather is the must to enjoy its beauty!

Whatipu Coast, Pararaha Valley, Muir and Gibbons Track  (10/01/2015)

Okura walkway (6/01/2015)
這是第一次參加Eric的老兵隊 也是第一次走完Okura walkway全程 從Okura river河口到StillWater Campsite 然後由河岸折返

2015 New Year Pot Luck Clevedon Scenic Reserve Bush Track (3/01/2015)

Whangarei trip, together with daughter's family, and two other her friend fmailies  
此次造訪西澳南部(south of West Australia)(1/9/2014-19/9/2014) 除了登山 另一大目標就是欣賞西澳野花. 每年7月至11月 西澳遍地都會開滿五顏六色的野花 品種達12,000種之多 素有「野花之州」的美譽. 野花期間 花海一片 令人目不暇給 大開眼界. 行程不錯 唯到達稍遲 因此有些地方花已凋謝 另外是每日豔陽高照 實在太熱 因此有些行程稍有縮減 另一點是澳洲地域遼闊 這次17 18天的行程開車達3600公里
這次行程共造訪11處 "1001 Natural Wonders" (世界各地1001個奇景/特色)

Lake Clinton, Serpentine National Park (1001 wonders), and Mundaring Weir (1001 wonders) 

Cape Leeuwin, Cape Naturaliste, and Lake Cave (1001 wonders), etc

Karri Forest Explorer (1001 wonders)

D’Entrecasteaux National Park (1001 wonders)

Walpole – Nornalup National Park

William Bay National Park 

Torndirrup National Park (1001 wonders) 

Stirling Range National Park (1001 wonders) 

Porongurup National Park (1001 wonders) 

Fitzgerald River National Park (1001 wonders) 

Lake Monjingup, Kepwari Trail, and Great Ocean Drive - Esperance

Cape Le Grand National Park (1001 wonders)

Wave Rock (1001 wonders) 

Botanic Garden and Synergy Parkland (in Kings Park)

Wenderholm Regional Park (23/08/2014)
Wenderholm was the first Auckland Regional park and remains one of the most beautiful. Wenderholm 夾於Puhoi River 河口和waiwara River河口之間 有濃密森林 絕佳視野 優美海灘 和 歷史遺地 步道坡度起伏適中 老少咸宜

Duder Regional Park (9/08/2014)
Duder Regional Park is a 148-hectare coastal farm park situated on the Whakakaiwhara Peninsula features stunning panoramic views, rolling farmland, high coastal ridges and remote headlands. Apart of the coastal views the highlight are sheep
此次登山是Tramping Group行程 有眾多大學堂教友一齊參加 人數達百人 感謝Felix統籌這麼大型的活動

長庚養生文化村 (6 - 20/05/2014)
我倆此次回台 堪稱完美 辦妥要處理的事情 並和親朋好友碰面 感謝親朋好友的熱忱招待 非常窩心

我倆每天都睡得超好 乃拜住宿在長庚養生文化村 多位朋友咨詢這方面的資訊 因此post這個單元供有需要的人參考

We (James and Kelly) had a 13 days trip in Nelson,  (19/02 - 3/03/2014). (From < t149> to < t159>) 
The trip covers varity of walks, beach, coast, forest, valley and high mountain.
這次Nelson之行 每天看到不同景觀 含蓋海濱 海岸 森林 峽谷 溪流 及高山 算是一次不錯的行程

Blenheim, Picton - Nelson Lookouts, Pelorus Bridge Scenic Reserve

Mount Stroke, Marlborough Sounds

Ship Cove - Furneaux Lodge, Anakiwa - Davies Bay, Queen Charlotte Track

Sawcut Gorge, Isolated Hill Scenic Reserve

St Arnaud Range Track, Nelson Lake National Park

Mt Robert, Nelson Lake National Park

Gridiron Rock Shelter, Kahurangi National Park

Separation Point, Abel Tasman Great Walk

Paynes Ford, Grove Scenic Reserve and Labyrinth Rocks Walkway

Pupu Spring, Pupu Hydro Walkway, and Rawhiti Cave Track

Wharariki Beach, Cape Farewell, and Fossile Point walk
James had a 6 days trip in Queenstown  and Glenorchy (24/1 - 30/1/2014). (From < t144> to < t148>)
James took 5 days walk for Routeburn and Greenstone Track in Glenorchy. It's an easy walk. However, it's a little bit hard with carrying weight. Routeburn Track是一非常優美的步道 精彩連連 眾多瀑布湍流 迷人湖泊 優雅小池塘 雄偉高山峽谷 以及鮮明高山植物 被厚厚苔蘚覆蓋的森林...Greenstone Track則略顯平淡
Day 6, James took Ben Lomond Trck to the summit (1748m), a popular track in Queenstown.

Ben Lomond Track

Routeburn and Greenstone Track (Day 4 and 5)

Routeburn and Greenstone Track (Day 3)

Routeburn and Greenstone Track (Day 2)

Routeburn and Greenstone Track (Day 1)

Sculpture in the Gardens

Matuku Reserve 除了濕地 濃密森林 還是重要的鳥保護區

Montana Heritage Trail with new upgraded boardward
一條幾公里長的木棧道(at Fence Line Track)不久前才完成 非常優美 不多去走走 還真辜負City Council的用心 帶領女兒全家和好友國翠 台玲 Evan family, Alphi couple, Yonghwa, Louisa行走這個步道

We (James and Kelly) had a 2 days trip in Whangarei (25/11 - 26/11/2013). (From < t139> to < t140>)
這次臨時起意到Whangarei住了一個晚上 照造訪以前(2012年2月曾去過)沒去的地方 都是一些小景點 但也不錯

Tutukaka Coast and Whangarei Town Basin

Peach Cove Track / Parihaka Reserves

We (James and Kelly) had a 9 days trip in Willington, Masterton and Palmerston North (20/10 - 28/10/2013). (From < t130> to < t138>)

Manawatu Gorge Track, Ashhurst and Totara Reserve
features of elegant track, very rare ferns, magnificent geographical structure, and impressed wind turbins landscape

Pukaha Mt Bruce Wildlife Park
除了優雅步道 還可見識 kiwi鳥餵食 難得一見的白色kiwi鳥 神奇的大鰻魚 同於恐龍時代的活化石TUATARA 和KOKAKO對話 以及有趣的Kaka馬戲團

Castlepoint Scenic Reserve and Henley Lake Park
Two main walks, Castle Point Light House Walk and Deliverance Cove loop walk.
features of iconic lighthouse, distinctive skyline and magnificant Deliverance Cove

Atiwhakatu Valley to Atiwhakatu Hut, Tararua Forest Park
這條步道一直沿著Atiwhakatu stream而行 峽谷景觀優美 植被豐富
今天整天下雨 因此兩旁植物非常旺盛 尤其是kidney fern更是生機勃勃

Holdsworth Lodge to Mountain House Shelter 
是一條非常優雅的步道 尤其樹林為厚厚苔蘚覆蓋的景觀非常迷人

Putangirua Pinnacles Track and Cape Palliser
features of Putangirua Pinnacles, Cape Palliser Lighthouse, and the North Island's largest fur seal colony

Makara Walking Track and Wind Farm Loop Walk
Wellington以及附近地域 以強風聞名 因此適合建造風力發電 這裡有62具風車 可供應Wellington70,000戶用電 由於Cook Strait的穏定強風 效能是國外風車發電的一倍
近距離接觸風車 更感巨大 每具風車重量達270噸 主座高達67公尺 大概22層樓高 若包括業片達111公尺 大約是一個ruby球場的長度

Orongorongo Walking Track  to Huarangi Hut and Catchpool Loop Walk
features of different forest types

Red Rocks Walkway to Red Rocks and Sinclair Head
有迷人海岸景觀 尤其是在Sinclair Head  又有海豹蹤影 Red Rocks紅褐色岩石聞名

Te Atatu Peninsula Walkway (東區台福教會健行)

Clevedon Scenic Reserve
One of Manukau’s most stunning reserves, with significant natural and cultural heritage value. Also the Te Araroa Walkway traverses the Reserve.
有人讚譽這是一條五星級步道 人造與自然兼併 有維護良好的階梯步道 但又保有原始森林景觀 最難能可貴的是 把一座廢棄的採礦場 建造成一處五星級的野餐地

登山隊走這條步道 也帶領女兒全家行走這條步道

Fairy Falls(仙女瀑布) 是一非常迷人的優美瀑布 被喻為Auckland最美的瀑布
今天要行走的是雙8版本 也就是會走兩個8字形 每一條步道都會走兩次 但不會重複 因會從不同方向行走每一條步道

Auckland Zoo
上週末沒去爬山 我倆返老還童 學小小朋友逛奧克蘭動物園 奧克蘭動物園幅員不大 動物也不多 但規劃不錯 我們共費時4.5 Hours...

Te Atatu Walkway

Pt England Domain Walkway
Walking with our tramping group the Pt England Domain Walkway. An easy walk and visited up to seven reserve with variety of scenes.
所選歌曲為 九歲美聲小天使 天籟之音 此曲只應天上有 值得欣賞
值得一提的是 並有二胡 笛 古箏 大鼓 小提琴 鋼琴 豎琴 小號伴奏

Meola Reef Reserve
A nature reserve of geological interest. It is the longest lava flow in the Auckland volcanic field. Contains natural mangroves and salt marsh on the landward end and unique reef habitat in the Waitemata Harbour

Auckland Domain (Auckland War Memorial Museum)
Auckland Domain is the city's oldest park and is spacious and diverse. Wintergardens and Auckland War Memorial Museum are the two main feature of the Domain. There are formal gardens, duck ponds, large green open spaces edged by mature trees, bush walks and statuary. The park is home to one of Auckland's main tourist attractions.

Okoromai Bay Loop, Wangarparoa (just before Shakespear Regional Park)

Opanuku Walkway, Henderson
Project Twin Streams是一野心勃勃的大規模的環境整治工程 改善在Waitakere水流質量 恢復56公里原生樹木和灌木的溪流植被
項目還包括11公里長的步行和自行車道 以及具有很強的藝術成分藝術品 如步道嵌有精美瓷磚圖案 不銹鋼標誌 風速計 橋樑上的面板圖案 甚至連座椅椅背都有設計精美的花鳥圖
案 真是一趟藝術餉宴啊!
也造訪Henderson多處文化遺產 有最早的motor camp  藏酒地窖 農莊改成的藝術中心 早期的伐木工廠以及水車Henderson最早的旅館飯店 也到達大型室內體育館和

Long Bay walking around coast (with Mikey and Jamie)

Hunua Falls - Massey Tracks with interesting new-found route (baitline network)

Cascade Kauri Track with Upgraded Cascade Track and Auckland City Walk
步道和部份Montana Heritage Trail重疊, 但最主要是體驗升級後的Cascade Track和Auckland City Walk. 帶領女兒全家和好友Anli夫婦行走這個步道. 風景秀麗 是Waitakere地區的標地步道.

========================================================================We (James and Kelly) had a 6 days trip in Hawke's Bay (24/02 - 1/03/2013) 
(From <t111> to <t115>) 

White Pine Bush Scenic Reserve, Opepe Bush Historic Reserve, etc.

Beach Walk and Cape Kidnappers Reserve

Blowhard Bush Reserve

Te Puia Track

Bell Rock Track, Kamahi Loop Track, and Lake Opouahi

Tawharanui Regional Park (9/02/2013)

Long Bay Regional Park with Mikey and Jamie (30/01/2013)

Okura Walkway - Vistied again with Mikey and Jamie (18/01/2013)

< t107>
Waiheke Island walkways - Waiheke Island is renowned for its great weather, splendid beaches, picturesque vineyards and native bush


We (James and Kelly) had a 15 days trip in Victorian region (19/10 - 2/11/2012). (From < t91 > to < t106 >)
Grampians National Park - There are more than 400 million years of history in the Grampians, the giant mountains rising from the vast landscapes of the Western District plains.

< t106>    
Grand Canyon and The Pinnacle - One of most popular spots in Grampians National Park . Impressive Grand Canyon, wonderful rock formations of Silent Street and the awe inspiring views from the Pinnacle.

< t105>    
Hollow mountain

< t104>    
Briggs Bluff (thru Beehive falls)

< t103>  
Boronia Peak, Chatauqua Peak, Fyans Creek loop, Venus bath, etc.

< t102>
Mackenzie fall, Boroka Lookout, Reed Lookout / The Balconies, Chimney pots

< t101>

The Piccaninny, Mt Abrupt

Great Ocean Road National Park 
The Great Ocean Road works its way along the stunning coastline of Victoria's south-west. It is recognized as one of the world's most scenic drives. 

< t100>    
Tower hill Reserve 
An extinct volcano and it's now with an important place in local Aboriginal history and it teems with wildlife

< t99>    
The Arch, London Bridge, The Grotto, Bay of Martyrs, Bay of Islands

< t98>    
Loch Ard Gorge 
Apart from natural beauty, this site is famous for the "Loch Ard" shipwreck

< t97>    
Gibsons Steps and Twelve Apostles - one of the most inspiring natural beauty of the Australian continent

< t96>    
Gables lookout and Wrenk beach

< t95>
Otway Lighthouse, Tripet falls, Hopetoun falls 

< t94>    
Mait Rest, Melba Gully - a world of lush tree ferns and ancient Myrtle Beech

< t93>
Shelly beach Loop, Marengo beach

Phillip Island - Phillip Island is a place of natural beauty, sandy beaches, majestic rugged coastline, tranquil wetlands and unique wildlife experiences.

< t92>    
Phillips Island

Mornington Peninsula - The Mornington Peninsula boasts some of Victoria’s most spectacular walking landscapes, including peaceful bays, wild ocean coastlines and tranquil bush. We just explore and spectacular landscapes at Cape Schanck, Fingal Beach, and the early history at Point Nepean.

< t91>    
Cape schanck, Fingal beach, Pointy Neopean

< t90>    
Okura Walkway - an easy and very scenic river and forest walk. 
整修後的Okura walkway非常便捷易行 而且就在Auckland北岸近郊非常方便 是一條優雅森林河

< t89>
Mangawhai Walkway - an excellent beach and cliff walkway.

< t88>
Shelly Park Beach and Mangemangeroa Reserve Walkway - a magnificent landscape of farmland, coastal native bush and stunning estuary views on the edge of the city.


< t87>
Te Atatu Peninsula Walkway (with Jason and Susan family) - An awesome walkway with stunning views : Auckland City, the Harbour Bridge and Rangitoto Island, at just one glance.

< t86>
Te Henga Walkway - The northern entrance : This is an elegant walkway with stunning coastline. Beautiful views and not one minute of the track is boring or monotonous.

< t85>
North Piha to Anawhata Beach coastal walk - A great experience to explore the wild west coast of the Waitakeres between North Piha and Anawhata. Highlights include several beautiful black sand beaches, great coastal views and fantastic rock formation. Also encounter several rock scrambling.

< t84> 
Shakespear Regional Park

< t83> 
Waiti Bay (just past Kawakawa Bay) to Orere Beach walking - isolated stretch of coastline with lovely beaches and some coastal rocks for scrambling and exploring.

< t82>    
Mangatangi Trig (487m) in Hunua Ranges - The Mangatangi Track is with dense forest, tall trees, and varity of forest scenes. The summit (Trig) is grassed and affords panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, with views extending over the Firth of Thames to the Coromandel Range.
We (James and Kelly) had a 4 days trip in Waitomo (2/05 - 5/05/2012). (From < t79 > to < t81 >)

< t81>
Tawarau Falls Track in Tawarau forest

< t80>

Waitomo Scenic Route. Sites of interest: Ruakuri Scenic Reserve, Mangapohue Natural Bridge, Piripiri Cave, Marokopa Falls , and Kiritehere Beach

< t79>    
Maungatautari Soutern Enclosure (lies between the towns of Cambridge, Te Awamutu and Putaruru) and Mangakara Nature Walk (in Pirongia)

We (James and Kelly) had a 4 days trip in Whangarei (28/02 - 2/03/2012). (From < t74 > to < t78 >)

< t78>    
Bream Head Track - features wonderful volcanic rocky outcrops and outstanding forest

< t77>    
Mount Manaia Track (403m) - a cluster of majestic, jagged, bush-covered hills, the remnants of volcanic action.

< t76>    
Mimiwhangata Coastal Park and Whananaki Estuary Track
< t75>    
Abbey Caves, Waro Limestone Reserve, and Waipu Caves 
喀斯特地貌(karst landform) 有奇特的石灰岩塊

< t74>    
Whangarei Walkways and gardens 
這次Whangarei 之旅 除了登山 我們也抽空走訪一些walkway和garden 勞逸均分啊! 這些walkways非常優美, 難怪 Whangarei也是退休老人的首選

Pirongia : Tirohanga (via Mangakara Nature Walk and Ruapane) - Mahaukura round trip

< t72> 
The Pinnacles (大尖山) in Thames, Coromandel Peninsula (with family on 6th Feb 2012) 
步道延著峽谷溪流而上 有濃密森林 優美景觀 高點達759公尺 因此視野絕佳 沿途並有歷史遺跡

< t71> 
Miranda wildlife refuge and wetlands 
可以觀賞到眾多侯鳥水鳥 尤其斑尾鷸(Bar-tailed Godwit) 是鳥類連續飛行最長距離的世界紀錄 以八天半時間 不吃 不喝 不眠 不休 從阿拉斯加飛 到新西蘭 旅程逾一萬公里

< t70> 
Wenderholm Regional Park (with Mikey and Jamie) - The first Auckland Regional park and remains one of the most beautiful 
Wenderholm 有濃密森林 絕佳視野 優美海灘 和 歷史遺地 步道坡度起伏適中 也是體驗登山的好去處

< t69> 
Totara Park (near Botanic Garden) and Montana Heritage Trial (in Waitakere) 

< t68> 
RZion Hill Track & Lagoon walking (聖誕節登山健行)

Had a 14 days trip with two other couples in Nov/Dec 2011 to visit Mt Cook, Mt Aspiring, and Queenstown, three main popular tourst spots. (From < t63 > to < t67 >)

< t67> 
Lake Alta and Lake Sylvan (Queenstown)

< t66> 
Rocky Mountain & Roys Peak Track (Wanaka) and Bendigo Historic walk & Kanuka Track (Bendigo near Cormwell)

< t65> 
Rob Roys Glacier Track (Wanaka)

< t64> 
North Temple & Ben Ohau Peak (Lake Ohau) and Lake Pukaki Walk

< t63> 
Ball Shelter & Ball Ridge, Red Tarns & Mt Sebastopol, and Sealy Tarns, Mueller Hut & Mt Ollivier (Mt Cook)

< t62> 
Hakarimata Rail Trail and Hakarimata Walkway

< t61> 
Kauri Loop Track and Hakarimata Walkway
We(James and Kelly) had a 4 days Tongariro National park Winter Tramping Tour (July 15 - 18, 2011). Tongariro National Park is recognized as double World Heritage area for both volcanic natural and Maori cultural wonders. We experienced a very special snowy landscape. (From < t57 > to < t60 >)

< t60>     
Rotopounamu walk - A leisurely two hours walk around the lake. 
Rotopounamu walk 有大樹和絕美湖景

< t59>    
Togariro Crossing - A great one day tramps, across some absoutely spectacular and unique volcanic scenery 
Togariro Crossing 是紐西蘭也是世界馳名的一天步道 可以看到非常獨特如月球表面的景觀 此次冬日造訪 以感受另一種不同的體驗

< t58>    
Taranaki Falls and Tama Lake

< t57>     
Silica Rapids Walk - A leisurely two hours walk 
Silica Rapids Walk - 以因鋁矽酸鹽沉澱而產生的金黃色河床馳名 沿途有溪流溼地瀑布以及優美林道 此次冬日造訪 大雪紛飛 真是一次難得的經驗
We(James&Kelly and two other couples) had a 12 days South Island trip Late January 2011. The trip includes Stewart Island, Ulva Island, and Southern scenic Route from Invercagill to Dunedin. 
12天的紐西蘭南島之行 主要造訪 紐西蘭第三大島Stewart Island 保育馳名的Ulva Island 和從Invercagill到Dunedin的海岸線景觀特色. (From < t52 > to < t56 >)

< t56>     
Dunedin, including Otago Peninsula - Around city of Dunedin and Otago Peninsula are volcanic origins. The most landforms around city are hill rising and the columnar basalt is found somewhere. Otago Peninsula stretches 20 km from the city to the northeast. The Peninsula itself is a mixture of spectacular cliffs and white-sand beaches where marine wildlife is common. 
Dunedin和Otago半島都是火山地形 因此形成高山深谷 有很多壯麗景色 Otago海岸和Otago半島長期受到強風以及海浪侵蝕 形成令人驚嘆的高聳岩壁和拱橋 因是火山地形 多次看 到柱狀玄武岩 也是海洋野生生物和著 名信天翁的棲息處 只是時間機緣不巧 未能目睹企鵝信天翁....

< t55>     
Southern Scenic Route Part Two

< t54>     
Southern Scenic Route Part One 
Southern Scenic Route 是紐西蘭南島南端的景觀路線 包括從Te Anau到Invercargill以及從Invercargill延著海岸線到Dunedin. 這次造訪的是從Invercargil到Dunedin的一段. 有精緻海灘 優美 瀑布 奇異森林 令人驚嘆的岩壁拱橋 非常稀少的化石森林 以及具特殊意義的景點 好景處處 重要的是有沒有捕捉美景的眼睛 和寧靜平和的心境 造訪景點甚多 無法全部列出

< t53>     
Ulva Island - The island has been free from rats since 1997. A refuge for endangered species in the sanctuary. 

Ulva Island 以保育馳名 瀕臨絕種動物的庇護所 因無人居住更保有原貌
< t52>     
stewart Island - An island with unspoilt beauty where the peace and tranquillity is disturbed only by native birdsong 
stewart Island 紐西蘭第三大島 以保有原貌馳名 紐西蘭已是人間最後一塊淨 土 而stewart Island更是淨土中的淨土.
< t51> 
The Pinnacles (大尖山) in Thames, Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand 
這是最近和登山隊尚可記錄的一次登山 以風氣優美和多處遺跡馳名 山上有80個床位的山屋 一般是在山上待 一晚再登頂 我們是一次性登頂
< t50>        
大安森林公園 臺大校園 (臺灣)
Had a 13 days Australia trip in August 2010. The trip includes Myall National Park, Great Blue Mountain, and Sydney (city walk and coastal walk). 
13天的澳洲之行 主要包括 Myall國家公園 大藍山 和雪梨 每個地方都有其特色 其中三點(Myall National Park, Blue Mountain, and Kanangra Walls) 還被1001 Natural Wonders一書 所羅列 1001 Natural Wonders 一書收集世界各地1001個奇景 澳洲有107個 紐西蘭有12個 而太魯閣峽谷是台灣唯一被選入的景點 曾於 2009年3月回台 並順訪太魯 閣峽谷(click < t01 > < t02 > < t03 > < t04 > < t05 > < t06 > ) (From < t40 > to < t49 >)
< t49 >    
Sydney Coastal Walk - Balmoral to Taronga Zoo
< t48 >    
Sydney City Walk Part TWO
< t47 >    
Sydney City Walk Part ONE 
到雪梨要看三樣東西 雪梨港灣大橋 雪梨 歌劇院 和雪梨塔 除了這三樣 還有許多讓您驚喜...
Greater Blue Mountains - The unique plants and animals that live the Greater Blue Mountains relate an extraordinary story of the evolution of Australia's unique eucalypt vegetation and its associated communities, plants and animals. It is an area of breathtaking views, rugged tablelands, sheer cliffs, deep, inaccessible valleys and swamps. The Greater Blue Mountains was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2000. 
大藍山地區佔地103萬公頃,由砂岩高原、懸崖和峽谷構成,大部分被溫帶油加利樹林覆蓋。這一遺產地有八個保護區,展示了澳洲大陸在岡瓦納(Gondwana)分離后油加利樹種群 進 化的適應性和多樣性。大藍山山脈地區共有91種油加利樹,因而這一地區也以其油加利樹結構和生態多樣性以及棲息物種的豐富性而著名。同時,這一地區還充分展示了澳大利亞 的 生物多樣性,有佔世界數量百分之十的維管植物以及大量珍稀瀕危物種,包括當地堪稱活化石的物種,例如生存范圍非常有限的瓦勒邁松。
< t46 >    
Scenic World - Echo Point/The Three Sisters
< t45 >    
Grand Canyon Track - its sandstone overhangs, waterfalls and underground section of stream all make it a most remarkable place in Blue Mountain. 
Kelly稱這是她走過最好的一條步道 因為非常貼近自然 行走在陡壁邊緣伴以深深的溪流 並時有由岩壁飄落的瀑布 只有親自走上步道才能體會那種貼近自然的感覺 最難能可貴 的 是在這麼原始的地方卻配有很完善的步道
< t44 >    
Grovetts Leap Cliff Top Walk - The Cliff Top Track is a breath-taking walk around the edge of the Grose Valley, between Govetts Leap and Evans lookouts.
< t43 >    
Valley of Waters - One of the Australia’s finest bushing trails. Within four hours walking of majestic wild scenery and waterfalls in the Greater Blue Mountains world Heritage Area. 
此次澳洲之行最值得的是 這裡的Valley of Waters 和 的Grand Canyon Track. 除了有迷人的視野和衆多的優美瀑布 最難能可貴的是用鑿子和少量炸藥闢在高懸峭壁的步道 (National Pass)...
< t42 >    
Kanangra Walls - The views from the Kanangra Lookout over the Kanangra Walls and valley are breathtaking and regarded as the best of the Blue Mountains. Also it is one of the scenery spots listed in the book of "1001 Natural Wonders". 
Kanangra Walls以綿延高聳岩壁聞名 Kowmung River更是新南威爾保有原貌的河流之一 故亦被"1001 Natural Wonders"一書所揀選
< t41>    
Hassans Wall Lookout - The highest lookout in the Blue Mountains 
Jenolan Caves - the oldest open cave system in the world and one of the most amazing works of nature. A true under the world wonder! 
Hassans Wall Lookout是藍山最高Lookout 視野奇佳 並可近距離觀看高聳岩壁 
Jenolan Caves的石灰岩洞 讓人驚嘆 乃新南威爾瑰寶
< t40>    
Myall Lakes National Park stunning beaches, fresh and saltwater lakes, swamps, rugged headlands and high dunes. It's one of the scenery spots listed in the book of "1001 Natural Wonders". 
Myall Lakes 國家公園以其海灘沙丘保有原貌著稱 並保有原住民遺跡 是一處被"1001 Natural Wonders"一書選入的景點

< t39 >    
Milford Track - Often described as the "finest walk in the world". The scene is spectacular and fascinating. In the rain, the waterfalls pouring down from the high cliffs is absoutly incredible! 
這是2008年4 月完成的步道 但景色確實太美 值得介紹 (照片是用儍瓜相機拍攝 品質稍遜) 
總長54公里的米佛步道 被喻為世界最好的步道之一 景色壯觀迷人  尤其由峽谷傾瀉而下的數百條瀑布令人難忘
Had a 10 days trip in March 2010 to visit Mt Cook, Wanaka, and Queenstown, three main popular tourst spots. 
造訪南島三個很熱門的景點 Mt Cook以冰河泊聞名 Wanaka以湖美以及臨近Mt Aspiring的冰河馳名 而Queenstown更是以最優美的湖光山色吸引眾多遊客. (From < t30 > to < t38 >)
To experience the beauty of QUEENSTOWN, we visited lake shores (Queenstown Gardens Walkway, Frankton Walkway, Moke Lake, Scenic drive from Queenstown to Glenorchy, and Glenorchy Lagoon) and high mountains (Queenstown Hills and Ben Lomond) 
為盡賞Queenstown的湖光山色 走訪湖濱 並登高眺望 Queenstown的Wakatipu湖為紐西蘭第三大湖 群山環繞 若在冬季 山頂白 雲覆蓋 倒影鮮明 景色絕佳 此次 造訪不是冬季 外加天候不佳 因此景色稍遜

< t38 >    
Ben Lomond Track 
Ben Lomond Track也是一熱門的登山步道 峰頂1748米 需有相當體力才能登頂 但到達鞍部已經有非常不錯的視野 站在高處鳥瞰群山,景色十分壯闊美麗,有崇山峻嶺之勢
Queenstown Hill Walkway 
Queenstown Hill為Queenstown市區的臨近小山 是一熱門的登山步道 沿途茂密的松林,綠蔭蔽天,偶有陽光從樹縫間灑落,漫步其間輕鬆舒適涼爽  峰頂視野極佳
< t36 >
Moke Lake, Scenic drive from Queenstown to Glenorchy, and Glenorchy Lagoon 
Moke Lake為一山中小湖 無光害 是露營者最愛 Queenstown到Glenorchy是一條風景秀麗40分鐘車程的公路  而Glenorchy Lagoon為一非常優美的瀉湖 可欣賞黑天鵝和其他 鳥類
< t35 >    
Queenstown Gardens Walkway and Frankton Walkway 
Queenstown Gardens為臨近市區的小半島 Garden優雅 外圍為步道 可就近逛市區 也可連接到Frankton Walkway. Frankton Walkway是一熱門的人行和腳踏車道 可欣賞Wakatipu湖左 臂(Frankton arm)的湖光山色
< t34 >
Rob Roy Track - The most pupolar day walk in Mt Aspiring and is famous for it's breath taking Rob Roy Glacier 
近距離觀賞到 雄偉的峰頂冰河 並配上多條瀑布 讓人驚嘆
< t33 >    
To experience the beauty of Lake Wanaka, we visited lake shores and a high point (Diamond Lake and Lake Wanaka Lookout) 
Wanaka以湖美馳名 因此建有許多豪宅 旅遊旺季人口可以從2000人膨脹到25,000人 為體驗Wanaka湖的美 走訪湖濱 並登高眺望
< t32 >    
Clay Cliffs - An unusual geological formation of spectacular 'badlands' eroded pinnacles and gulches 
看多了美景 也體驗一下比台灣高雄月世界更惡的惡地形 欣賞另類美感
< t31 >    
Kea Point Walk and Hooker Valley Track 
庫克山國家公園內最熱門的兩條步道 因為這裡才能看到晶瑩剔透的浮冰
< t30 >    
Mount Cook - New Zealand's great alpine park. It has the highest mountains and the largest glaciers. 
庫克山國家公園 冰河無數 並有紐西蘭最大的塔斯曼冰河 將造訪旅行社廣為宣傳的冰河船之旅

< t29 >    
Montana Heritage Trail - It takes in some of the most magnificant trees in the Waitakeres and offers spectacular views. 
Montana Heritage Trail 可欣賞百多枝高大挺拔的貝殼松 並有秀麗風景  是一非常熱門的步道 堪稱Waitakere地區的標地步道 已造訪近百次 曾多次帶朋友來到 這個步道 登山隊亦多次造訪 並且交通便捷 只要參個鐘 頭 就可以走完全程 早點出發還可以回家吃中餐
< t28>
Totara Park - my back yard 
走這個步道已經數百趟 堪稱我家後院 步道在濃密的森林 並有坡度起伏 最重要的是交通便捷 並且只要一個多鐘頭就可以走完全程 一般我們是用大 約兩個鐘頭走兩趟
Had a 3 days trip in Dec 2009 to Rotorua and nearby region. (From < t22 > to < t27 >)
< t27 >    
Mount Maunganui walkway, Tauranga 
Mount Maunganui是Tauranga地區的地標 峰頂有360度的絕佳視野 海岸步道有極佳景色 更有非常可觀的岩岸 是一非常熱門的步道 無論冬天夏天 晴天雨天 人 潮絡繹不絕
< t26>
Hamurana springs Reserve 
為紐西蘭北島最深的地下湧泉 達十五米深 水質清澈 步道沿溪而行 並有優雅紅木林 景色優美
< t25 >
Okere Falls Scenic Reserve 
為紐西蘭最早的第四座水利發電廠 水流充沛湍急 為著名的泛舟所在 因有世界馳名的七米高瀑布泛舟 水內資源豐富 因此早期毛利人爭奪劇烈並留有遺跡
< t24 >    
spectacular Tarawera Waterfalls 
Tarawera Waterfalls 係水流經過火山岩洞再從峭壁噴湧而出 非常壯觀震撼 步道沿溪而行 除了瀑布湍流 並有巨岩大樹 雖然地理位置偏於一偊 但仍值得 造訪
< t23 >    
Kokako Ecological Track - an elegant and in good taste ecological track 
這是一條非常有品味的生態步道 厚厚的落葉如同行走在地毯上 外加林相優雅原始 鳥聲優美 悅耳
< t22 >    
Te Waihou blue spring River Walkway - a totally spring fed river and with a picturesque scenery 
河水完全由地下湧泉供給 經過地下層長達百年的過濾 水質清澈 配以翠綠水草在水中飄動 如畫景色 不愧為Waikato地區的一大奇觀

< t21 >
Visit (with Jason and Susan's family) again the Muriwai Regional Park - A gannet colony in New Zealand. 
同女兒一家再訪 Muriwai Regional Park - 可欣賞宏偉景觀及塘鵝雄姿 更有細緻沙灘和設施完善的遊樂場 是一個闔家出遊的好去處
Had a 4 days trip in Oct 2009 to the Northland (northern portion of North Island), New Zealand. (From < t17 > to < t20 >)
< t20 >   
Hokianga coastal walk - It takes in a variety of breathtaking, unspoiled scenery, including farmland, rugged coastline and hill country. 
這是非常具有特色的海岸步道 由於強烈的Tasman sea海浪 產生崎嶇不平的海岸線 以及豐富多變的奇岩怪石
< t19 >   
Wairere Boulders – Close encounter with a world unique boulder valley. 
近距離接觸世界獨一無二的巨石流 火山岩表面被侵蝕成深度溝槽更具地質特色
< t18 >
Cape Reinga Lighthouse and Ninety Mile Beach sand dunes 
Cape Reniga燈塔 是在紐西蘭最北端 具地理意義 並且風景秀麗 而Ninety Mile Beach sand dunes是紐西蘭最大沙丘 具特殊景觀
< t17 >
Bay and beach tour 
今日開車自Auckland到達Karikari Peninsula 趁尚有半日餘暇 造訪就近的一些海灣沙灘

< t16 >
Muriwai Regional Park - One of the three gannet colonies in New Zealand. Also there are distinctive geological formations. 
Muriwai Regional Park 不但是紐西蘭一重要的塘鵝棲息處 更有特殊的地質景觀
< t15 >
Mangawhai Cliffs and Coastal Walkway - excellent beach and high quality grading of track 
這是一條備受推崇的海岸山崖步道 同時擁有細緻沙灘與礁石岩岸的優美海岸步道 及高質山崖步道
Had a 4 days trip in June 2009 to Waipoua Forest, etc. in North Island, New Zealand. (From < t09 > to < t14 >)
< t14 >   
Lake Kai Iwi, Lake Taharoa, and Lake Waikere - super lake views 
亙古以來已存在的湖泊 沒有排水溝也沒有進水道 但湖水清澈 景色絕佳
< t13 >   
Waipoua forest - one of remaining ancient forests 
Waipoua forest - 可造訪最大的Kauri樹 以及是一處很重要的古森林區
< t12 >   
South head - at the top of the waipoua coastal track 
South head 位於著名50公里長waipoua coastal track頂端 有風景秀麗的海岸線景觀 以及令人驚嘆的海蝕石岩
< t11 >   
Waiotemarama Waterfall Loop Walk 
Waiotemarama Waterfall Loop Walk 除了有優雅的瀑布 更有密集的巨大Kauri樹在環形步道上
< t10 >   
Trounson Kauri Park - an easy 40 minute loops walk 
Trounson Kauri Park 為一40分鐘路程的優雅木棧步道 夜晚再訪會有意想不到的驚喜
< t09 >   
Kauri Coast Top 10 Holiday Park 
Kauri Coast Top 10 Holiday Park 三面環河 景觀秀麗 我們停留兩夜 以便造訪臨近景點
< t08 > 
The TranzAlpine scenic train journey - rated one of the world’s great scenic railway journeys! 
TranzAlpine 被列為世界級的高山景觀觀光火車
藉回台三週 (10th March 2009 ~) 之便 順訪太魯閣峽谷 南橫嘉明湖. (From < t01 > to < t07 >)
< t07 > 
Jiaming Lake 
南橫 嘉明湖 包括三叉山及向陽山 (屬台灣百岳)
< t06 >   
Baiyang Waterfall Trail 
白楊步道 - 「多隧道」與「多水」的白楊步道
< t05 >   
Meiyuan Jhucun Trail 
梅園竹村步道 - 田園婍旎風光及深谷陡壁的溪流景觀
< t04 >
Shakadang Trail 
砂卡礑步道 - 水石之美的極致
< t03 >   
Taroko Gorge (3) 
太魯閣峽谷(3), 包括 綠水步道, 天祥
< t02 >   
太魯閣峽谷(2), 包括 燕子口, 九曲洞
< t01 >    
Taroko Gorge (1) 
太魯閣峽谷(1), 包括 遊客中心, 長春祠, 及布洛灣