

Manawatu Gorge Track, Palmerston North 
features of elegant track, very rare ferns, magnificent geographical structure, and impressed wind turbins landscape

Gorge Track entrance - a lot of information at the entrance
an elegant track
well-formed metal track follows a steady gradient
dense forest along the track

What makes this piece of forest so unusual is the predominance of the giant maidenhair fern
This fern is found only in the Manawatu in New Zealand
Nikau palms are in abundance giving a tropical touch to the track
The Gorge itself is unique, as it is the only place in New Zealand where a river begins its journey on the opposite side of mountain - the river crosses a mountain range
the various viewpoints along the track are impressive
Windy Lookout
beautiful view
再見風車 更增添這條步道的特色

Windmill Lookout
塔斯曼海 暢通無阻的強勁海風 經過有如漏斗的Manawatu峽谷 適合發展風力發電
今天天氣比較晴朗 較Wellington地區的風車 更加清晰
這裏有55具風車 可供應45,000戶用電
近距離接觸風車 高達70公尺
Sentinel Lookout

wind turbine viewing from the walking track
Te Apiti Lookout

returning thru Manawatu Gorge Loop Track
beautiful native bush

Totara Reserve
features of the ancient totara and matai

mighty totara
600-800歲樹齡的大樹 高達40公尺 周長達7公尺
Larger totara trees are ofter hollow,providing the perfect nest site for some birds...
Totara fruit is an important part for some birds, such as bellbird, tui, etc.
Totara the protector - shelters smaller plants and trees
Totara timber has been used for everything from building materials, fesnce posts, and even Maori's carving, and canoe-building...


Pukaha Mt Bruce Wildlife Park

除了優雅步道 還可見識 kiwi鳥餵食 難得一見的白色kiwi鳥 神奇的大鰻魚 同於恐龍時代的活化石TUATARA 與KOKAKO對話 以及有趣的Kaka馬戲團

優雅Bush Walk和Lookout Walkway

good views at the lookout
Red Woods pine forest


kiwi house
TUATARA - living fossils 與恐龍同時代的活化石

The only survivor of an extinct group of reptiles that lived during the age of the dinosaurs. Tuatara survived because no predators invaded New Zealand when it separated from Australia about 90 million years ago.

Tuatara步調特別慢 如產卵 孵化 成長 動作也慢 因此正常都可達百歲 但也正是這種特性 若有外敵 就不能生存  這兩隻都是從卵孵化 都已達50歲高齡
Manukura - little white kiwi 難得一見的白色kiwi鳥

Manukura On 1 May 2011 Manukura, little white kiwi, hatched. This was a delightful surprise to the rangers and team at Pukaha as she is the first white kiwi to hatch here and, as far as we know, the first white kiwi to hatch in captivity.

Eel Feeding - Eel也很聰明 接近餵食時間就會聚集而來
Eel's incredible journey
In late autumn, some of the adult eels will swim up to 6,000 km north to their spawning grounds in the tropical  Pacific Ocean. They do not ear during their journey, and both males and females die after spawing is cmpleted. When they are about 7 months old, the eels head back for growing...

KOKAKO - the most haunting song of the forest
We did several dialogues (copy the sonud of kokako) with this Kokako. It's miraculous.

Kaka Circus
Kaka 也同Eel一樣 接近餵食時間就會聚集而來

Kaka是一高智商 有尖銳的喙 非常強壯有力的羽翼雙足 因此根本不怕人 在人群中飛翔穿梭 在人前昂首闊步 非常聒噪吵雜
甚至有隻naughty Kaka跳到一位小姐後頸 讓這位小姐嘰嘰叫 眾人莞爾 真是Kaka馬戲團
Kaka雖然強壯有力 但非常聒噪吵雜 引來外敵偷襲幼鳥 因此也是一種瀕臨絕種的物種